Since 2014, the Phiren Amenca Network is celebrating the Rromani Resistance Day in Budapest, Hungary. This year the program focus on the “segregating walls”. Since the fall of the Berlin wall, new walls have been erected in Europe. Alone in Slovakia 14 walls exist to separate Rroma from their non-Rroma neighbours. Moreover, this year Hungary was the protagonist of walls by building a barrier in iron on the border line with Serbia, in order to keep out migrants and refugees (mainly escaping from the economic wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan) trying to reach Europe. The 2016 event will take place at a central space (Mátyás square) in the 8th district of Budapest which has high Rroma population and is a popular meeting point for Rroma people. For more info about the event click here and stay tuned for updates through Facebook by clicking here
Watch the photo gallery of the past year event: