Once again, La Voix des Rroms and friends celebrate the Rromani Resistance Day in France with a “political live show”: concerts, conferences, lectures, street exhibitions, round-tables and much more. The event aim to raise awareness on the current situation in Europe of the people targeted by Institutional Discrimination and Racism. In particular, the 2016 event topic is the Exile, in solidarity with migrants and refugees that are trying to reach Europe in each way possible due to the wars of “Democratic” Regimes. For these reasons, the “Political Live Show” take place in the square of the Basilica of Dead Kings in Saint Denis. This area is an multicultural outskirts of Paris where are living Rroms, Muslims and migrants from all over the world and often targeted by Institutional Racism. For more info about the event clickhere
Burning of the Puppet
Each year during the celebration in Saint-Denis, La voix des Rroms is burning a Puppet that symbolizes the Racism and Discrimination perpetrated by the Institutions against oppressed groups and peoples.
Burning of the Puppet
Each year during the celebration in Saint-Denis, La voix des Rroms is burning a Puppet that symbolizes the Racism and Discrimination perpetrated by the Institutions against oppressed groups and peoples.
Burning of the Puppet
Each year during the celebration in Saint-Denis, La voix des Rroms is burning a Puppet that symbolizes the Racism and Discrimination perpetrated by the Institutions against oppressed groups and peoples.
Street Actions
Before the event in Saint-Denis, activists are advertising the event through different street action: graffiti actions with the logo of Rromani Resistance across the city; the Lolilop action that welcome spring by giving flowers to ordinary citizens and much more.
Street Actions
Before the event in Saint-Denis, activists are advertising the event through different street action: graffiti actions with the logo of Rromani Resistance across the city; the Lolilop action that welcome spring by giving flowers to ordinary citizens and much more.
Street Actions
Before the event in Saint-Denis, activists are advertising the event through different street action: graffiti actions with the logo of Rromani Resistance across the city; the Lolilop action that welcome spring by giving flowers to ordinary citizens and much more.
In an open space in the square are tacking place a number of conferences, book presentation and public lectures on different topics, mainly regarding the Resistance of yesterday and today: women movements, Rroma and others minorities rights, direct testimonies of Survivors and Resistants from WWII
In an open space in the square are tacking place a number of conferences, book presentation and public lectures on different topics, mainly regarding the Resistance of yesterday and today: women movements, Rroma and others minorities rights, direct testimonies of Survivors and Resistants from WWII
In an open space in the square are tacking place a number of conferences, book presentation and public lectures on different topics, mainly regarding the Resistance of yesterday and today: women movements, Rroma and others minorities rights, direct testimonies of Survivors and Resistants from WWII
A main Stage on the square is hosting the exhibitions of many different artists. Exhibitions are various, going from Rroma traditional music and dance to Rap.
A main Stage on the square is hosting the exhibitions of many different artists. Exhibitions are various, going from Rroma traditional music and dance to Rap.
A main Stage on the square is hosting the exhibitions of many different artists. Exhibitions are various, going from Rroma traditional music and dance to Rap.